Muscular Dystrophy, Colchester
Newsletter number 7
July 2001

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Chairman's Corner

Hello once again, it is probably anno domini but these newsletters seem to come around more quickly, each edition.


I have to announce that due to increasing work commitments, Maria Fremlin has decided that she is unable to devote sufficient time to Branch affairs and consequently can no longer continue in the post of branch Welfare Officer. Maria has therefore tendered her resignation as Welfare Officer, Vice Chairman and committee member, to take effect as from 31st July 2001.

The committee has, with much regret, accepted Maria's resignation and wishes to pay tribute to her dedication, to the Branch, to the group and the undoubted hard work that she has carried out, with her renowned enthusiasm over the years. Maria will be a hard act to follow.

We wish her well for the future and I am sure that Maria will still feature in the Branch fund raising activities over the coming years.

We are fortunate, in that Janet Saunders has agreed to temporarily undertake the post of Welfare Officer, commencing August 1st. Janet can be contacted, by telephone, on 01206 - 545645. The committee thanks Janet and wishes her well.

Anyone interested the post of Welfare Officer and what it entails can contact either Janet or Maria, for information. We anticipate appointing a permanent Welfare Officer at the next Annual General Meeting, earlier if possible. The post is an essential, important and very worthwhile part of a successful Branch. Please help us, to help others in need of support and a friendly voice. We need you,you can do it.


It has been suggested, to save costs, that where possible the newsletter should, in future, be sent out by e-mail. It is my intention to commence this with the next newsletter. Those sensible people, not `hooked' on the Internet will still receive the newsletter in the usual way.

Fund Raising

Store Collections:
Fiveways Store Brightlingsea

The Branch carried out a collection at Fiveways, Brightlingsea on Saturday May 16th we were accompanied, by Bridget and Tony Farley with the organ. It was a very successful collection.

Branch Collection £306.48

Bridget and Tony £131.63

Total £438.11

Tesco Store Sudbury

This collection took place over Friday and Saturday, 6th and 7th July. Once again Bridget and Tony attended on both days. I think that all that helped felt that it was a very worthwhile exercise. The weather, on Saturday was, to say the least, inclement. However we collected a creditable sum over the two days.

Branch Collection £1,156.15

Bridget and Tony £158.02

Total £1,314.17

I want to thank everyone who helped at the above collections but a special thank you to Janet and Norman Saunders and Beryl and Don Leeks, for their marathon stint on Friday when we were short of collectors. Between them they collected from 11.00am until 5.00pm. I would also like to thank Stan Angier for putting up with me, for three hours on Friday and coming back for more on Saturday, a glutton for punishment!

From this collection, we received an invitation to attend the Sudbury Carnival, with the organ. However this took place on the Saturday, following the collection and unfortunately was too close to make the necessary arrangements. We have a contact now, with the organisers, and will consider if we are able to take part in future carnivals.


Band Competition, Lower Castle Park.

The Band Competition took place on Sunday 1st July. Members of the Branch attended, with the Tombola stall and the re-introduction of `Play Your Cards Right' an attraction which brought in the crowds? This event was not so successful as I had anticipated. Although there were around 3,000 people attending throughout the day, mostly they were only interested in the performing bands and not the stalls

We made £113.50

We are still looking for volunteers to help with our `fund raising ` activities. A commitment of only 2 hours is all we are asking. I am certain that many of you out there can spare that. If you only help out once or twice a year, it relieves the pressure from those who are prepared to put themselves out regularly to raise funds, ultimately to help you. YOU REALLY CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. If you are prepared to help, please contact me Geoff Wiseman or any committee member.

Future Fund Raising

July 28th & 29th West Bergholt Vehicle and Military Show, from 10.00am. Nayland Road, West Bergholt, (signposted from North Station)

Aug. 11th Co-op Fiveways, Abbotts Road, Colchester. Store Collection

Aug. 27th (August Bank Holiday Monday) Mersea Island Lions Fete

Sep. 28th & 29th Tesco store Copdock. Store Collection


Cards For Good Causes 2001

The Branch will be participating, again this year, in the sale of `Cards For Good Causes', including Christmas cards in aid of Muscular Dystrophy. We are looking for help, manning the sales table in the Public Library. This will probably be a two-hour shift. Depending on the support we receive from you, the branch members, will decide how much or how little we are able to do. Further information will be available nearer the date. Please let me know if you are willing to help.

Tombola Prizes.

We are looking for donations of prizes, for the tombola stalls at the forthcoming events, as listed above. What we would like is anything
a) new
b) colourful and eye catching
c) handmade or shop purchased

We do not need cans of food items or drinks, these we can provide ourselves.

If you wish to donate for these events, please contact Janet Saunders on 01206 - 545645 or any member of the committee.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people for their donations of cakes, for sale at the Castle Park event, earlier this month.

Bob Cardy
Maria Fremlin
Gemma Watson

To say that they were mouth-watering would be an understatement and a source of great torment to those weight watches among us. The donations were very much appreciated and helped to swell our takings on the day.

Welfare (from Maria)

`Tempura' specially designed mattresses. The company has a `freefone' number for more information: 0800 616135

Computers for the Disabled are a registered charity that is able to provide free computer support, reconditioned computers etc. The charity runs a Helpline, seven days a week as well as giving a home service. This is free but a donation towards the costs would be appreciated.
Telephone: 01268 284834

KEYTOOLS is a company specialising in providing computer equipment, adapted for use by disabled people. For more information:
Telephone: 023 8058 4314

The above is for information purposes only. The branch is not able to give any assurances as to the product or service quality of the above organisations, but has no reason to doubt their standing at this time.

That brings this edition to a close. Contributions for the next newsletter should reach the editor, no later than mid September.

Geoff Wiseman,
Branch Chairman/Editor,
57 Winsley Square,
CO1 2ET.

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