Muscular Dystrophy, Colchester
Newsletter number 6
April 2001

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Chairman's Corner

Spring has sprung but you could be forgiven for thinking that we were still in the throes of winter.

The Annual General Meeting has now passed and I would like to make a few comments: I want to apologise for the lack of time, following the AGM, for socialising. I did not anticipate that the guest speakers would take up quite so much time. I should have stipulated a time limit but didn't. The next AGM will commence at 1.30pm instead of 2.00pm and we will have just one speaker. This will give more time for social activity.

The Committee was re-elected en bloc. There were no other nominations. The re-election of the existing committee was proposed by Stuart Holden and seconded by Norman Saunders. The proposal was carried unanimously by a show of hands. There were no dissenters.

The committee is as follows:

Chair Geoff Wiseman
Vice Chair / Welfare Officer Maria Fremlin
Secretary Sue Wood
Treasurer Chris Jenkinson
Committee Geoff Ball
Beryl Leeks
Marion Salmon
Janet Saunders

Accounts Summary

The Branch income for the year 2000 was £6,005.21 After fund raising expenses and grants .to sufferers, the Branch sent to Head Office £4,642.26 leaving a working balance of £698.95

Fund Raising 2001

So far this year, your committee has organised and carried out two fund raising activities:

Fashion Show; this took place at the Moot Hall, Colchester, in conjunction with Colchester Institute, School of Art and Design. It was a great success, showing a profit of approximately £487. I must pay tribute, to Maria for the magnificent buffet that she organised and produced, with the assistance of other committee members. Jan and Clare Jarman for running the bar (wine). Geoff Ball, Chris Jenkinson, Norman Saunders and Don Leeks for an excellent raffle and collectively, to all committee members and volunteers, for their hard work, in making this event so successful and for boosting my morale, during the many times of stress in the lead up to the show.

Store Collection: A successful store collection was carried out at Waitrose Supermarket, Sudbury, on Saturday 21st April. The amount of £305.55 was raised. I want to thank everyone who braved the icy conditions.

Future Confirmed Events:

Date Place
May 26th collection Co-op Fiveways, Brightlingsea
July6th/7th collection Tesco Sudbury (plus organ)
July28th/29th West Bergholt Vehicle & Military Show (stall)
August 11th collection Co-op Fiveways Abbotts Road
August 27th Mersea Islands Lions Fete (stall) September 28th/29th collection Tesco, Copdock (plus organ)

There are several more events in the pipeline, yet to be confirmed.

We desperately need more volunteers. PLEASE, PLEASE help us to help you in our fund raising activities, all we ask is for a couple of hours of your time, it could make all the difference. You can contact me or any of the other committee members, if you are able to help.

We propose to hold one special fund raising event, such as the "fashion show" each year. Obviously we need to change the format and the location. If you have any ideas as to what we could do, or have a contact that might be able to sponsor an event, or even know of a suitable location, please let us know.

Head Office Information

I am advised by head office, that our Executive Director, Tony Lee will be leaving the Campaign at the end of June. We all wish him every success for the future.

Maria's Montage

There is a new shop in Colchester, catering for mobility and easier living. "Alphamarque" at 4 Centurion House, St Johns Street, CO2 7AH, telephone 01206 575066. It is open Monday to Saturday 09.00 - 5.30pm. (Maria has the catalogue, if anyone is interested). The company provides free home visits and a standard delivery charge of £2.00.

The committee offers the above, purely as information and cannot give any form of assurance as to the quality of the goods, or the service provided by Alphamarque, although we have no reason to doubt either.

The branch has a copy of the "Adaptions Manual" a comprehensive guide to housing needs for children and adults with muscular dystrophy (information from Maria, Tel: 01206 767746,

If there is anyone receiving this newsletter, that is not a registered member of Muscular Dystrophy Campaign and would like to join, please let me know. There is no charge and you really can help make a difference. The benefits to MDC are, that the greater the number of members, the stronger our voice when negotiating with the Powers that be.

There is absolutely no other commitment, than to become a registered member unless you, yourself, wish to become more involved. Please give this serious thought.

That is all for this edition.

New Copy for publication, to reach the Editor By mid June.

Geoff Wiseman
Branch Chairman / Editor
57 Winsley Square,
Old Heath Road,
CO1 2ET.
Tel: 01206 792654

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