Issue | Date |
23 | November 2009 |
22 | December 2008 |
21 | April 2008 |
20 | November 2007 |
19 | November 2006 |
18 | June 2006 |
17 | July 2005 |
16 | August 2004 |
15 | April 2004 |
14 | September 2003 |
13 | February 2003 |
12 | November 2002 |
11 | July 2002 |
10 | April 2002 |
9 | January 2002 |
8 | October 2001 |
7 | July 2001 |
6 | April 2001 |
5 | January 2001 |
4 | October 2000 |
3 | July 2000 |
2 | April 2000 |
1 | February 2000 |
These newsletters are not exact reproductions of the originals. Sometimes formatting is lost and errors are introduced or the text is changed slightly. If you notice anything incorrect, please tell me. My apologies for any confusion.
Note: elsewhere on this site you can find summaries of our Annual General Meetings (2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009) and our accounts (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008).