Happy New Year, to each and every one of you. I hope that 2001, will be a year that you can look back on with much happiness.
The year 2000 was a very successful year for this branch. Our fund raising activities, whether from store collections, in house collecting boxes, outdoor events or donations, allowed us to send the magnificent sum of £4,300 to head office, for research purposes. This could not have been possible without the dedication and hard work put in by a relatively small number of branch members. These same members turn out time and time again, whatever the event or however bad the conditions. They sometimes think that they are mad to be there, but all conclude at the end of the day, it has actually been fun!
I know that I say this time and again but I can never thank them enough, for the effort that they put into fund raising and their cheerful attitude, especially when things do not always go exactly according to plan.
Still on the fund raising theme, I would like to say thank you to Jan Jarman and Stan Angier, for holding the fort for the branch, at the Cards for Good Causes, Christmas Card sale at the Public Library, just before Christmas. The selection of MD cards, although not extensive was an improvement on last year. We do not yet have the results of this year's effort. As soon as the figures are available I will let you know.
The branch has been advised of the death, of Gemma Branch's maternal grandmother, who will be remembered, for her support for our fundraising, by donating dolls that she had knitted, for sale on our stalls. Our sincere condolences go out to Gemma and her family at this sad time.
The Annual General Meering and party will be held on Saturday 3rd March 2001, at 2pm - 5pm. It is at Tollgate Hall, Villa Road, Stanway.
Yes, it is that time again. Included with this newsletter is a copy of the Agenda, a Nomination Form and the Minutes of the last AGM. As last year, a party, more a get-together with old and new friends for a chat, rather than 'apple bobbing' and 'postman's knock', will follow the AGM. We would welcome a small contribution, not monetary, towards the refreshments; we can always make up food parcels, if we receive too much. Raffle prizes would also be appreciated.
Please, please, do make every effort to attend the AGM. It is the opportunity, for you to hear, first hand, how your Committee has performed, over the past year, voice your views and appoint new Committee members, if you are not satisfied, with what we have or have not done.
The existing Committee members have said, that they are prepared to continue in their present positions, if that is what you, the membership want. It is for you to decide.
If you have anything that you would like discussed, at the AGM under 'Any Other Business'; you must let Sue Wood have it in writing, at least ten days prior to the meeting. Items received after this will not be discussed, at the AGM.
Completed Nomination Forms can be handed to Sue, BEFORE the commencement of the AGM but not once it has started.
We look forward to seeing YOU ALL at the Tollgate Hall.
So far this year we have arranged three store collections.
Date | Place |
26th. May | Fiveways store, Brightlingsea |
11th August | Fiveways store, Abbotts Road, Colchester |
TBA | Broomfields Garden Centre, Colchester |
We are in touch with other stores in the district and expect to arrange further collections throughout the year.
We have arranged, in conjunction with the Colchester Institute, to hold a 'Fashion Show' at the Moot Hall, in Colchester Town Hall on Friday March 30th. 7.00 PM for 7.30 PM. Guests of Honour will include the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress of Colchester and our Member of Parliament, Bob Russell and Mrs Russell.
The show will be to a high, semi-professional standard as both students and graduates, some of whom have their own fashion salons, will be taking part. This will be a showcase for the Institute and will raise much-needed funds for Muscular Dystrophy.
We want as many of you as possible to come along, on the evening. The tickets are just £5 and include a 'cheese and wine buffet'.
If each of you sold just four tickets, that would be more than half of the total, of 200 tickets we have to sell. We would like you to sell more! Tickets can be obtained from me, Geoff Wiseman, tel: 01206 861969 / 792654, or through Manns Music Shop, High Street, Colchester. They will also be on sale in the hall, after the Annual General Meeting.
There are disabled facilities at the Town Hall and a lift will take you directly to the Moot Hall.
If you have any thoughts, as to how else the branch can raise funds, please let me or any member of the committee know, we are always looking for fresh ideas.
A totally unsolicited contribution by Marion Salmon
"Geoff Wiseman our Chairman, went to a lot of trouble, to arrange a nice get together before Christmas, in the form of a 'coffee morning', (this was advertised in the last newsletter). I know that a lot is going on at this time of year. I had to put off something to attend. I was so disappointed to find that no one else, other than the committee and their spouses arrived. No supporters or sufferers. The idea was to get everyone together to have a chat, which would have been very nice.
I do hope that you will all make the effort to attend the AGM and party on March 3rd. If you are unable to attend please let a committee member know. We have a good chairman, we do not want to lose him."
-Marion Salmon.
What can I say? I wholeheartedly endorse what Marion has said, with regard to the lack of support. Without your support the Branch could fail, with it, the sky is the limit; it really is up to you. There is so much more that we could do, together.
The committee has been advised that Colchester Rotary has a caravan, sited at Walton on the Naze, this is available for holiday use. Unfortunately it is not disabled friendly. If you are interested, further information is available from our Treasurer, Chris Jenkinson, Tel: 01206 520986.
We are still looking for volunteers, to assist with our fund raising activities. It is not too late to make a 'new years resolution', it never is. Make yours, that you will give up one day this year, even just two hours would be great and help us, to raise funds to find treatments and cures that will ultimately help you or your dependants. Happy New Year Everyone. See you at Tollgate.
Geoff Wiseman,
Branch Chairman/Editor,
57 Winsley Square,
CO1 2ET.